In my early 20s, I was a counselor at Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. I went through a program sponsored by the Albert Einstein School of Medicine and became certified in clinical hypnotherapy. Afterward, I started my own counseling/consulting business, got an MBA in marketing (my thesis was Mind Power’s Role in Sales Success), and helped countless people break bad habits, overcome phobias, improve athletic performances, manage stress and yes—achieve sales goals.

My MBA thesis led to articles which served as the impetus for my first book, Winning the Inner Game of Selling. It’s not my most polished book, but it’s arguably the most important regarding maximizing sales potential.

Enough about me. Can you daydream? If the answer is yes, you can master self-hypnosis and achieve BIG goals. Is this hyperbole? No. But it requires discipline—I’ve often referred the self-hypnosis I’m going to share with you as the “Mother of all Fixed Daily Activities.”

Four Steps to Self-Hypnosis for Goal Achievement

Common sense, albeit not common practice, is probably telling you that if you applied yourself to the above, good things will happen. Our ability to visualize, to imagine something that has yet to become reality, is what separates us from every other species on the planet. Sports psychologists have recognized the power for years and all top athletes use some form of visual imagery. Practice these steps of Self-Hypnosis and your dreams are likely to become your reality.


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