Teaching patients in pain self-hypnosis could help curb the opioid crisis, Stanford researcher says

Stanford psychiatrist David Spiegel, MD, began his talk, “Replacing opioids with hypnosis for pain treatment,” at last month’s World Economic Forum by addressing the elephant in the room. “There’s a prejudice in modern medicine that the only real interventions are the physical ones,” Spiegel said. Yet, interventions that affect our thoughts — such as self-hypnosis — can […]

The worldwide water-lifting power of plants is enormous

When it comes to hoisting water, plants are real power lifters. For a tall tree, slurping hundreds of liters of water each day up to its leaves or needles, where photosynthesis takes place, can be quite a haul. Even for short grasses and shrubs, rising sap must somehow overcome gravity and resistance from plant tissues. […]

Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps

It’s easy to say you simply don’t have time to be mindful. With so much going on in daily life, who has time to stop and be present? But everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare to practice mindfulness. The point of these brief, daily reflections is to help you tap into calmness whenever […]

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking: Benefits, Risks, How It Works

It’s no wonder why so many people want to quit smoking. A 2019 research review showed that it’s the top cause of preventable illness and death in the world. Stopping can improve your health, but for many people, quitting is a huge challenge. There are many methods and products for quitting smoking. One that gets […]

Trying self-hypnosis

We all have things about ourselves that we would like to change. Better diet, more exercise, more positive outlook, higher energy — the list of possibilities goes on and on. We may know what we want to do, be we often don’t know how to do it. Beyond that, even once we decide how to […]

Best guided meditation 2022

Guided meditation can provide many of the same benefits as traditional meditation. Several companies offer apps that provide a subscription-based guided meditation service. This article explains what guided meditation is and what its benefits include. It also looks at some of the best guided meditation apps available. Meditation is a mindfulness practice that helps people […]

Living On Edge: Hypnosis being used to ease COVID-19 distress

SIMSBURY, Conn. — Have you noticed the people around you – or yourself – being more “on edge” recently…or perhaps throughout the last two years? The pandemic has forced us to live in a world that’s ever-changing with rules that are constantly being updated and amended. Dr. Javeed Sukehera, Chief of Psychiatry at the Institute […]

I Tried Self-Hypnosis to Get My Stress Under Control—Here’s What Happened

If you’re trying to score a promotion or find love, there are a ton of wellness tools to help you get in the mindset to make that happen—like journaling, intention-setting, and prioritizing self-care. (Bath time FTW!) But there’s another goal-getting strategy that could be a powerful complement to the usual suspects: hypnosis. Okay, before you start picturing mind control and quacking like a duck, hear me out. Morgan […]