We all have things about ourselves that we would like to change. Better diet, more exercise, more positive outlook, higher energy — the list of possibilities goes on and on. We may know what we want to do, be we often don’t know how to do it. Beyond that, even once we decide how to pursue the change we want, we may find it very challenging to follow through on that plan.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to help keep our motivation high and our progress on track. One of the most powerful tools to help with this is self-hypnosis, which lets you tap into the potential of hypnotherapy on your own terms. So, what is self-hypnosis, and how does it work? And how can you tap into self-hypnosis to achieve the specific goal or goals you set?

Trying self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that you use to guide your own progress toward achieving a goal. The key difference between self-hypnosis and other forms of hypnosis is that you can use self-hypnosis on your own terms, which means you can make the experience more positive and inspiring if you want to. This allows for greater psychological flexibility and personal control than some other types of hypnosis.

The best way to explain how self-hypnosis works is to look at the process of hypnosis itself. Basically, when you are hypnotized, a trained and skilled therapist takes over your conscious mind and allows you to enter into a state of deep relaxation. In this state, the therapist asks you to focus in on a thought or a series of thoughts that are relevant to the goal or goals you have chosen. Self-hypnosis takes a live therapist out of the process, using recorded audios or even just your own internal thoughts and processes.

Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals in life. The simple act of relaxing while keeping an open mind, with the power of your own thoughts, can make all the difference in the world. Self-hypnosis allows you to achieve results in areas of your life where you have always felt limited by the limitations you have imposed on yourself. It opens up doors where previously there were only walls.

If you’d like to give self-hypnosis a try today, the following advice will help you get started. First, select a goal. It can be something simple, like having more energy, or something more specific, like coming up with a breakthrough idea for a project you are working on. Once you’ve decided what your goal is, you should find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and settle in. You can follow these steps to practice self-hypnosis:

Sit comfortably in a chair or other position that allows you to relax. You may find it helpful to play some relaxing music of nature sounds. Breathe slowly and deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth, to relax your muscles and body. As you breathe, imagine that you are putting your attention into a place where you have complete control over everything that happens. As you do this, also tell yourself to relax and focus. The hypnotic state is both relaxed and focused. Take a few moments to let this begin to work for you before continuing on.

Now focus on your goal. Actually repeat your goal to yourself, saying, “I will…” Try to perceive your goal as already well on the way to being achieved. Keep your mind focused on your goal as you continue to relax. As much as you can, keep your frame of mind as positive as you can. Try to spend at least five minutes on this activity, but more is better.

When you have a sense that you have really internalized this goal, simply clear your mind and allow yourself to relax until you are ready to end this session. After a few minutes, you can get up and continue with your day.

You may not notice any big changes right away, but continue this practice at least once a day, ideally at the same time each day and in the same place, and you’ll soon discover that you are on your way to achieving your goal!

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